Committees of TTK HK
The committees of the TTK HK help the officers responsible for given areas of work.
Economic Committee
The Economic Committee’s task and range of responsibility is the same as the economic officer’s. Its leader is the economic officer, and only members of the HK can join the committee. At least once a year, the committee holds a meeting. Its main task during the meeting is creating and discussing the yearly budget plan of the HK. Other tasks include making budget plans for events, making subsidy plans for self-active circles, the college for advanced studies, and making proposals for using the sports normative budget.
Educational Committee
Dormitory Matters Committee
The Dormitory Matters Committee’s leader is the dormitory matters officer of the HK. Only HK members can join the committee, whose tasks include making proposals towards the principles of allocation of students, the room allocation plan for students, making improvements to the dormitory, consulting with the HSZI’s Students and Dormitory Benefits Department (Hallgatói és Kollégiumi Juttatások Osztály) and with the Operating Body about the designated dates of moving in and out. They conduct hearings with applicants for dormitory mentors, and propose applicants for these posts. They review the KFSZ each semester and propose modifications for it, and help the EHK’s Outer Dormitory Committee’s work with review.
Scholarships Committee
of such application processes as well.
Social Matters Committee
PR Committee
Events Committee
KHÖK: Kari Hallgatói Önkormányzat – Faculty Student Body
EHK: Egyetemi Hallgatói Képviselet – University Students’ Union
TJSZ: Térítési és Juttatási Szabályzat – Reimbursement and Benefit Regulations
HSZI: Hallgatói Szolgáltatási Igazgatóság – Student Services Directorate